Essssscorted across the Road

Driving home Wednesday morning, when I turned onto our street, I found this guy sunning in the middle of the lane. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of them die, as people don’t see them, or worse, just don’t care. I got out of the car and escorted him across the road and into the brush to keep him safe. Hopefully he went on to find a safer place to bask in the warmth of the morning Sun.

Vissssssitor on the Porch

I found this guy lounging on the back porch on Monday, just chilling in the corner. I made sure the dog left him alone and allowed him to stay as long as he needed to before he headed off to wherever it was he needed to go next.

Twitter Posts as of 04/17/2015

  • America's massive methane mystery: Nasa set to investigate unexplained hotspot over the 'four corners' intersectio… ->
  • Public Release: 10-Apr-2015 Accelerating universe? Not so fast ->
  • UW scientists, biotech firm may have cure for colorblindness ->
  • Windows remains vulnerable to serious 18-year-old SMB security flaw ->
  • The International Space Station (finally!) gets an espresso machine ->

Twitter Posts as of 04/10/2015

Twitter Posts as of 04/03/2015

Twitter Posts as of 03/06/2015

Twitter Posts as of 02/27/2015

Twitter Posts as of 02/20/2015

View from the Mountain

View from the Mountain
We started our hike on a nearby desert mountain trail quite a bit later than usual, but the night was warm with a cool wind, and the remains of the sunset all that more dramatic with the lights on.

An Imaginary Town Becomes Real, Then Not. True Story

“This is the story of a totally made-up place that suddenly became real — and then, strangely, undid itself and became a fantasy again. Imagine Pinocchio becoming a real boy and then going back to being a puppet. That’s what happened here — but this is a true story…. ” (go to link)