Content Timeline is all about the content, naturally.
Instead of posting directly on my blog, which generally has very few visitors — only a couple hundred a day — I post my content on the various social networks where the people I interact with are spending their time. If I post something to Facebook or GooglePlus, more people will read it because it will be part of their social stream.
Plus, there are great SEO benefits. Posts to GooglePlus will be indexed by Google long before anything on my blog will, so I’ll come up higher in Search for the people who care about what I have to say. Facebook is great for user interactivity, twitter for interaction with people on their phones, and YouTube is still King for video, indexing and reaching my audience far faster than a comparable blog post would.
Each social platform I use links back to the blog, so it’s possible for people to discover new ways to follow me. But all new content will be on the social networks where my readers are. has simply become the warehouse of all these social interactions — my personal social content timeline.