Yesterday, after work, I finished wiring the pool pump. When I threw the switch, everything worked. The trench still needs to be filled in, but I figured I’d get that over the rest of the week.
The pool’s water-level had dropped sigificantly from evaporation, so I tosed a running hose in it and left the pump running to start cleaning out the water. The pool was filling so slowly, I figured we could leave everything running over night.
About midnight, just before going to bed, I checked the pool again. I discovered that the hose from the return side of the pump/filter system had come loose from the pool and was laying on the ground, pumping water out of the pool into the impromptu lake that was forming beside it. I immediately got everything turned off, reattached the hose to the pool, and tightened it’s clamp significantly. But the water level had already dropped to just a little below what it had been before I had started the hose, and my trench was now filled with water from end to end. I’ll try to fill it again this afternoon.